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  • Volunteer | Alma Hondon

    Volunteer Charity Shop Volunteers: Join our team at the charity shop and help us make a difference through retail. As a volunteer, you will assist with various tasks such as organizing donations, pricing items, keeping the catalogue updated, and managing social media posts on Facebook. Your efforts will directly contribute to the success of our charity shop, enabling us to generate funds for our animal rescue initiatives. At ALMA Hondon, we believe that volunteering is a powerful way to contribute to our cause of rescuing and caring for animals in need. By volunteering your time and skills, you can play a vital role in creating a better world for these innocent creatures. There are several rewarding opportunities for you to get involved: Storage Lead: Take the lead in our storage facility and play a crucial role in ensuring efficient operations. Your responsibilities will include sorting incoming donations, pricing items, maintaining an updated catalogue, and coordinating viewings. You will work closely with our Charity Shop Lead to streamline processes and maximize the impact of our efforts. Dual Lingual Speakers: If you have proficiency in multiple languages, we have a unique opportunity for you to make a difference. As a dual lingual speaker, you will assist with foster and adoption applications by communicating with potential adopters over the phone. You will guide them through the application process, answer their questions, and explain our adoption procedures. Your linguistic skills will help us connect with a wider audience and facilitate successful adoptions. Events Volunteers: Throughout the year, we organize various events to raise awareness and funds for our cause. As an events volunteer, you will have the opportunity to support us in planning, organizing, and executing these events. From setting up venues to assisting with registration, promoting activities, and providing logistical support, your involvement will make our events memorable and impactful. By volunteering with us, you not only contribute your time and skills but also become an integral part of our compassionate community. Together, we can transform the lives of animals in need and create a more compassionate world. If you are passionate about our cause and interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please get in touch with us. We would be thrilled to welcome you to our team and provide you with a meaningful and fulfilling volunteer experience. Join us today and make a difference in the lives of animals that deserve our love and care. Help make a difference and sign up to volunteer today! Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Zorro (Henry)

    < Back to all EN Henry was found with four other podencos, they were all wandering together for multiple days when one by one they were rescued. They kept wandering into the road in front of cars and one of his companions was actually run over. He was eventually rescued and was emaciated and scared. What happened once he reached the association: His ear had been badly injured at some point in the past and he is missing a chunk of it. He was tested for all the usual Mediterranean diseases we often find in abandoned or lost animals and thankfully he came back clear. He has been chipped, given a passport and is up-to-date with his vaccinations. He was thankfully, taken on by the same foster family who fostered the other podencos he was found with. He has previously been anxious and was more comfortable with women then men. However his patient foster family have worked wonders and he would make the perfect addition to any home. ES Henry fue encontrado con otros cuatro podencos, todos deambularon juntos durante varios días cuando fueron rescatados uno por uno. Siguieron deambulando por la carretera frente a los autos y uno de sus acompañantes fue atropellado. Finalmente fue rescatado y estaba demacrado y asustado. Lo que sucedió una vez que llegó a la asociación: Su oído se había lastimado gravemente en algún momento en el pasado y le falta un trozo. Le hicieron pruebas para todas las enfermedades mediterráneas habituales que a menudo encontramos en animales abandonados o perdidos y, afortunadamente, volvió limpio. Tiene chip, pasaporte y está al día con sus vacunas. Afortunadamente, fue acogido por la misma familia adoptiva que acogió a los otros podencos con los que se encontró. Anteriormente ha estado ansioso y se sentía más cómodo con las mujeres que con los hombres. Sin embargo, su paciente familia adoptiva ha hecho maravillas y sería el complemento perfecto para cualquier hogar. Zorro (Henry) Zorro (Henry) Sex: Born: Chipped: M 01/01/20 Yes/Si Breed: Podenco Size: Small Pequeña Vaccinated: Yes/Si Castrated: Yes/Si Tested with cats: No Character: Timid, good with other dogs Tímido, bueno con otros perros Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous dog Next dog >

  • Copito

    < Back to all EN Copito was found wandering the campo alone, completely emaciated and terrified. He was covered in fleas and ticks and had to spend a few nights in the vets because he was severely dehydrated and emancipated. He then shut down. Its been 2 long years and Copito is still a very very nervous dog. He has clearly suffered trauma and carries that will him still today. For this reason, Copito needs a family with time and patience to let him come out of his shell and will help teach him that not all touch is a bad experience. Copito is good with dogs and cats. ES Copito fue encontrado vagando solo por el campo, completamente demacrado y aterrorizado. Estaba cubierto de pulgas y garrapatas y tuvo que pasar algunas noches en el veterinario porque estaba severamente deshidratado y emancipado. Luego cerró. Han pasado 2 largos años y Copito sigue siendo un perro muy muy nervioso. Claramente ha sufrido un trauma y lo lleva hasta el día de hoy. Por eso Copito necesita una familia con tiempo y paciencia que le deje salir de su caparazón y le enseñe que no todo tacto es una mala experiencia. Copito es bueno con perros y gatos. Copito Copito Sex: Born: Chipped: M 04/04/17 Yes/Si Breed: Mastin cross Size: Large Grande Vaccinated: Yes/Si Castrated: Yes/Si Tested with cats: No Character: Very timid but loveable, good with dogs and cats Muy tímida pero cariñosa, buena con perros y gatos Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous dog Next dog >

  • Sanson

    < Back to all EN Sansón was found in September 2022 limping, it turned out he had metal nails piercing one of his legs. They were hindering his mobility and needed to be removed. Since his operation, he has regained his mobility and loves his walks, just not too far!. He is an absolute darling and loves a good belly rub. Good with other dogs but not cat tested. ES Sansón fue encontrado en septiembre de 2022 cojeando, resultó que tenía clavos de metal perforando una de sus piernas. Estaban obstaculizando su movilidad y necesitaban ser removidos. Desde su operación, ha recuperado su movilidad y ama sus caminatas, ¡pero no muy lejos!. Él es un amor absoluto y le encanta un buen masaje en el vientre. Bueno con otros perros pero no probado con gatos. Sanson Sanson Sex: Born: Chipped: M 01/06/18 Yes/Si Breed: Braco aleman Size: Large Grande Vaccinated: Yes/Si Castrated: Yes/Si Tested with cats: No Character: Energetic, affectionate Enérgico, cariñoso Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous dog Next dog >

  • Choco

    Choco Age: 01/01/21 Chipped: Yes/Si Sex: F/H Vaccinated: Yes/Si Breed: European Castrated: Yes/Si Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous cat Next cat > < Back to all EN One of five kittens from Milk’s litter, Choco the little fighter suffered a serious illness as a kitten that left her deaf but she doesn’t let it stop her. CHOCO was born into the association alongside her four sibling kittens. Whilst the others have found homes Choco has not and we can’t understand why because she’s such a loving little cat. She had an illness as, a young kitten that left her deaf but she is still an adventurous young cat that loves to play and have cuddles. Choco has been with a fantastic foster family, who have kept her happy and healthy. She would be best suited to an adoption with her mom and best friend Milk, who helps her navigate the world around her. ES Uno de los cinco gatitos de la camada de Milk, Choco, la pequeña luchadora, sufrió una grave enfermedad cuando era un gatito que la dejó sorda, pero no deja que eso la detenga. CHOCO nació en la asociación junto con sus cuatro hermanos gatitos. Mientras que los demás han encontrado hogares, Choco no lo ha hecho y no podemos entender por qué, porque es una gatita muy cariñosa. Tuvo una enfermedad, un gatito joven que la dejó sorda, pero sigue siendo una gata joven aventurera a la que le encanta jugar y recibir caricias. Choco ha estado con una fantástica familia adoptiva, que la ha mantenido feliz y saludable. Sería más adecuada para una adopción con su madre y su mejor amiga Milk, quien la ayuda a navegar por el mundo que la rodea.

  • Gaia

    < Back to all Más información próximamente More info coming soon Gaia Gaia Sex: Born: Chipped: F/H 07/06/18 Yes/Si Breed: Breton Spaniel Size: Small Pequeña Vaccinated: Yes/Si Castrated: Yes/Si Tested with cats: No Character: Good with other dogs Bueno con las personas y otros perros Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous dog Next dog >

  • Cazz

    < Back to all Rescued/rescatado 01/07/2021 EN Cazz and her brother Tango have been with us since July 2021, when they were rescued. These guys have been together since they were rescued and it woud be great if they could stay together, although they can also be adopted seperately. They are young dogs who could acclimatise to a home and with the right people they would each succeed. They are great with other dogs, and walk very well on a lead and they have thrived when taking part in our Training and Socialisation walks. ES Cazz y su hermano Tango llevan con nosotros desde julio de 2021, cuando fueron rescatados. Estos chicos han estado juntos desde que fueron rescatados y sería genial si pudieran permanecer juntos, aunque también pueden ser adoptados por separado. Son perros jóvenes que podrían aclimatarse a un hogar y con las personas adecuadas cada uno triunfaría. Se llevan muy bien con otros perros, andan muy bien con correa y han prosperado mucho participando en nuestros paseos de adiestramiento y socialización. Cazz Cazz Sex: Born: Chipped: F/H 01/08/20 Yes/Si Breed: Mastin X Size: Large Grande Vaccinated: Yes/Si Castrated: Yes/Si Tested with cats: No Character: Loves to walk le encanta pasear Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous dog Next dog >

  • Tango

    < Back to all Rescued/Rescatado 01/07/2021 EN Tango and his sister Cazz (brother and sister) have been with us since July 2021, when they were rescued. These guys have been together since they were rescued and it woud be great if they could stay together, although they can also be adopted seperately. They are young dogs who could acclimatise to a home and with the right people they would each succeed. They are great with other dogs, and walk very well on a lead and they have thrived when taking part in our Training and Socialisation walks. ES Tango y su hermana Cazz (hermano y hermana) han estado con nosotros desde julio de 2021, cuando fueron rescatados. Estos chicos han estado juntos desde que fueron rescatados y sería genial si pudieran permanecer juntos, aunque también pueden ser adoptados por separado. Son perros jóvenes que podrían aclimatarse a un hogar y con las personas adecuadas cada uno triunfaría. Se llevan muy bien con otros perros, andan muy bien con correa y han prosperado mucho participando en nuestros paseos de adiestramiento y socialización. Tango Tango Sex: Born: Chipped: M 01/08/20 Yes/Si Breed: Mastin X Size: Large Grande Vaccinated: Yes/Si Castrated: Yes/Si Tested with cats: No Character: Loves to walk le encanta pasear Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous dog Next dog >

  • Patch

    Patch Age: 03/03/21 Chipped: Yes/Si Sex: M Vaccinated: Yes/Si Breed: European Castrated: Yes/Si Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous cat Next cat > < Back to all EN Patch and Toby were found together in a cat colony, they were afraid of the colony cats and were incredibly social with humans, they were taken to the vets after nearly two months spent as part of the community cats colony.He has been part of a foster family alongside Patch for a little while now and whilst originally we thought they were completely co-dependent, their foster family have found that they are quite happy being separate too. They currently live with other cats and a puppy. ES Patch y Toby fueron encontrados juntos en una colonia de gatos, tenían miedo de los gatos de la colonia y eran increíblemente sociables con los humanos, fueron llevados al veterinario después de casi dos meses como parte de la colonia de gatos de la comunidad. Ha sido parte de una familia adoptiva junto a Patch desde hace un tiempo y, aunque originalmente pensamos que eran completamente codependientes, su familia adoptiva descubrió que también están muy felices de estar separados. Actualmente viven con otros gatos y un cachorro.

  • Bear

    < Back to all EN This lovely big boy was found wandering lost in Alquena. He had a very bad limp and was finding it hard to put weight on his back legs and he was also panting excessively. He was taken to the vets where they took xrays and blood tests. He was diagnosed with very bad arthritis in his knee and hips and later further tests identified he has Cushing Disease. Cushing's Disease (hyperadrenocorticism) is a serious health condition in dogs that occurs when the adrenal glands overproduce cortisol (cortisone) in the animal's body. This is what has caused his excessive panting, increased thirst and also an increased appetite. Bear is now on medication which will need monitored regularly to determine the correct dosage and then a few times a year to check his blood levels. Bear also has arthritis and has pain relief for this too and has monthly vet checks. His arthritis makes steps and stairs more difficult for him to naviagate. Although he still loves a short walk every day (when it is cooler). ES Este adorable grandullón fue encontrado vagando perdido por Alquena. Cojeaba mucho y le costaba cargar peso en las patas traseras, además de jadear en exceso. Lo llevaron al veterinario, donde le hicieron radiografías y análisis de sangre. Le diagnosticaron una artritis muy grave en la rodilla y la cadera y, más tarde, otras pruebas revelaron que padecía la enfermedad de Cushing. La enfermedad de Cushing (hiperadrenocorticismo) es un trastorno grave de la salud de los perros que se produce cuando las glándulas suprarrenales producen cortisol (cortisona) en exceso en el organismo del animal. Esto es lo que le ha causado el jadeo excesivo, el aumento de la sed y también el aumento del apetito. Bear toma ahora medicación que deberá controlarse periódicamente para determinar la dosis correcta y, posteriormente, varias veces al año para comprobar sus niveles en sangre. Bear también padece artritis, por lo que recibe analgésicos y se somete a revisiones veterinarias mensuales. Su artritis le dificulta subir escalones y escaleras. Aunque le encanta dar un paseo diario (cuando hace fresco). Bear Bear Sex: Born: Chipped: M 16/03/13 Yes/Si Breed: GSD/Pastor Aleman Size: Large Grande Vaccinated: Yes/Si Castrated: Yes/Si Tested with cats: Yes Character: Good with dogs and cats, very loving Bueno con perros y gatos, muy cariñoso Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous dog Next dog >

  • Odie

    < Back to all Rescued/Rescatado 21/10/2022 EN 💔 Odie needs a new home ASAP! 💔 This sweet boy was rescued, emaciated, and dehydrated. Now, he's healthy and ready to find his forever family. Why Odie Needs You: Active Lifestyle: Odie loves to run and play! He needs a home with lots of outdoor space and an active family. Training Potential: He's a quick learner and loves to please. Gentle: Odie is friendly and affectionate, but he's not suited for homes with cats or other small animals. Please help Odie find his happy ending! ES 💔 ¡Odie necesita un nuevo hogar YA! 💔 Este dulce chico fue rescatado, estaba demacrado y deshidratado. Ahora, está sano y listo para encontrar su familia para siempre. Por qué Odie te necesita: Estilo de vida activo: ¡A Odie le encanta correr y jugar! Necesita un hogar con mucho espacio al aire libre y una familia activa. Potencial de entrenamiento: Es un aprendiz rápido y le encanta complacer. Gentil: Odie es amistoso y cariñoso, pero no es adecuado para hogares con gatos u otros animales pequeños. ¡Por favor, ayuda a Odie a encontrar su final feliz! Odie Odie Sex: Born: Chipped: M 01/04/20 Yes/Si Breed: Hungarian Vizla x Size: Medium Mediano Vaccinated: Yes/Si Castrated: Yes/Si Tested with cats: No Character: Very clever, needs training Muy inteligente, necesita formación Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous dog Next dog >

  • Freya

    Freya Age: 22/07/21 Chipped: Yes/Si Sex: F/H Vaccinated: Yes/Si Breed: European Castrated: Yes/Si Ask us Adoption Form Hello, I am < Previous cat Next cat > < Back to all EN Meet Freya Freya's StoryWe received a call that a cat with three kittens was in danger. Although she was being fed from the people around, they were worried for her safety. When we went to get her, she was very sick and completely exhausted. We took them all to the vets and discovered the mum had a bad lung infection and the kittens were literally killing her, because she was not well enougth to feed them. The mum was put on the necessary medication and we supported her by giving the kittens a bottle now and then, so that she does not get even more exhausted. So far they are all doing really well. Mum was named Freya and the kittens have now been weened so she is now available for adoption. ES Historia de Freya Recibimos una llamada de que una gata con tres gatitos estaba en peligro. Aunque la gente de los alrededores la alimentaba, estaban preocupados por su seguridad. Cuando fuimos a buscarla, estaba muy enferma y completamente agotada. Los llevamos a todos al veterinario y descubrimos que la madre tenía una grave infección pulmonar y que los gatitos la estaban matando literalmente, porque no se encontraba bien para alimentarlos. La madre recibió la medicación necesaria y nosotros la ayudamos dándoles el biberón de vez en cuando para que no se agotara aún más. Hasta ahora todos están muy bien. A la madre se le puso el nombre de Freya y los gatitos ya han sido destetados, por lo que ya está disponible para adopción.

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